YouTube SEO From Basic To Advanced: How To Optimize YouTube Video

Analyzing video keywords is the first step in the YouTube SEO process. This YouTube SEO guide includes basic to advanced tips on how to learn about YouTube ranking factors and how to optimize Your YouTube Channel videos.

If you want to start seeing more views on your YouTube videos, you need to employ SEO techniques!

Video Keyword Research for Your YouTube Video:

YouTube Video SEO

You can use YouTube keyword research as an SEO strategy to find the most appropriate search keywords and find better terms that people use to search for information.

  • If you’re looking to improve your online presence, starting with effective keyword choice for your YouTube Videos is a great place to start.

YouTube Keyword Research

Finding out which terms and phrases YouTube viewers use to find relevant videos on the platform is the main goal of keyword research for YouTube. If you’re looking to improve your online presence, starting with effective keyword choice for your YouTube Videos is a great place to start.

What are the 5 Best YouTube Keyword Tools?

  • YouTube Analytics
  • Google Trends
  • Google Ads Keyword Planner
  • Keyword Tool for YouTube
  • VidIQ

YouTube Video Title Ideas

Here are some more tips to assist you in creating more interesting YouTube video titles.

  •  Make sure your YouTube Videos title is packed with the right keywords to get more traffic and views!
  • Make sure your video’s title matches to its content.
  • know for whom you are creating VIDEO content
  • Pay attention to your audience’s problems.
  • Add your main keyword to the start of your title.
  • In your title, use brackets.
  • Establish a sense of urgency
  • Offer an engaging hook
  • Your title should not exceed 60 characters.
  • Make videos about popular subjects
  • provide an unique value
  • Use researched headline structures
  • For educational information, stick to how-to publications.
  • Make sure the thumbnail and title of your video fit well together.
  • Research the videos of your competitors.

How to Create SEO-friendly Descriptions for YouTube Videos.

The description of the YouTube video is important. The text description of your video is generally how Google and YouTube identify the content of your video in order to rank it. Keep the following in mind when you describe your video

  • At least 250 words must be included in the description.
  • The keyword should be in the first 25 words of the description.
  • Include the keyword in the description 3–4 times.

How to Add the Right Category to YouTube Videos

Choosing the right category for your YouTube video is important. Do not select irrelevant categories simply because you believe they will increase your popularity. Additionally, selecting unrelated categories will only confuse potential viewers and increase the likelihood that YouTube may remove your video.

How to create engaging and quality content for your YouTube Video

  • Do Your Research – Find out what types of videos people in your industry enjoy watching. If you were a freelance SEO expert, for example, you could enter some SEO-related terms into the search box and sort the results by views to get a solid idea of the most popular videos.
  • Length Of Videos – Keep the length of your videos between 2 and 3 minutes long. Anything longer likely to cause viewers to click away and visit another channel because most YouTube users prefer quick, short videos over ones that are lengthy and drawn out.
  • Quality Of Videos – Make sure the video is of a high enough quality so that the viewer can see everything you want them to and that it looks beautiful, but not so high a quality that it takes to load and buffer.
  • Add Notes / Captions – Add notes and captions to your videos for even more spontaneity and impact! With YouTube Video Captions, you’ll be able to add personality to your videos and show off your expertise and the watcher can find out more information if they want to.

Share Your Video On Social Media

Ensure that your YouTube channel is linked to your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts so that each time a new video is uploaded, your video is instantly shared.

Make sure to embed your video in blog posts on your own website as well to give them a bit extra social punch. You can use Tumblr, Blogger, and WordPress as alternatives if you don’t have a self-hosted blog or website.

How to Get More Free YouTube Subscribers and Likes

Likes and subscriptions are both used as strong ranking signals. Asking people to subscribe and like your Video is the best way to get more likes and subscriptions. When watching a video, most people don’t think twice before clicking “like.” Don’t be afraid to ask, and do it on each video you publish.

Contact us to learn more about how Tube Video marketing can help your business grow!

How to Rank Your Website in Google

In this Blog you’re going to learn exactly how to rank your website in Google step by step now I should warn you this is an advanced SEO tutorial so if you don’t even know what SEO stands for this video is not for you but if you want to learn about advanced SEO strategies that get results you’re in the right place in fact I’ve used the techniques from this video to grow my organic traffic in record time, in this blog I’m going to explain you my step by step action plan for hire Google ranking including lots of real-life case studies stay tuned we have a lot to cover in this video so let’s dive right in I launched my first website way back in 2008 needless to say SEO was a lot different back then back in the day I’d spent hours looking for a domain name that contained my target keyword dog birthday cake recipes Dinah is still available I’m going to be rich today tricking Google with exact match domains or phony backlinks simply doesn’t work so what does the strategy is I’m going to share with you in this SEO tutorial so without further ado let’s get started with step number one first up let’s boost your site’s loading speed.

Google has publicly confirmed that they use your site’s loading speed as a ranking factor and from my own experiments I’ve discovered that site speed does impact ranking but not in the way you probably think most people think that Google rewards you for having a fast loading web site but that’s simply not true my SEO experiments have revealed that Google doesn’t reward fast loading websites it penalize ha’s slow loading websites this makes sense if you think about it Google’s number one job is to give their users the best result for a given search and everyone and I mean everyone hates slow loading web site loading the page finally it loaded so if your site loads slower than molasses yes Google is going to demote you but once you hit a certain threshold of speed you’re on par with most other pages on the internet so Google doesn’t see any reason to rank you higher make sense good now it’s time to actually improve your site’s loading speed first head over to Google Page Speed insight enter a page from your site here now as a pro tip don’t automatically put your homepage into this field instead enter an internal page from your site that gets a lot of traffic like a blog post or article that way you’ll get info on a page that lots of your visitors actually see next hit analyze and Google will show you where your pages code could use a tune-up.

Now Google’s tool is helpful but it has one big problem it doesn’t measure sites actual loading speeds seriously instead Google Page Speed insights simply analyzes your pages code to get a more accurate feel for how your site loads to real-life users check out GT metrics com GT metrics will show you data on how your page actually loads to real-life users which is a much more accurate measurement of how your site speed stacks up next up.

It’s time to check on your technical SEO here’s the deal you can have the best site with the best content but if your website has serious technical SEO issues you’re not going to rank fortunately identifying and fixing these sort of issues can be super easy here’s how to do it your first step is to log in to your Google search console account pay special close attention to the crawl error section if you see any issues with DNS server connectivity or robots.txt that’s something you’ll want to fix ASAP but if they all show a green checkmark you’re all set next click on the crawl errors button this will take you to the URL error section of the search console it’s perfectly okay to have a few server errors and 404 but if you see hundreds of errors here this is something that you want to fix ASAP.

We have our third step in this SEO tutorial with keyword research here are three quick techniques for finding awesome keywords first up we have Google Suggest to use it enter a keyword into Google but don’t press Enter Google will suggest long-tail keywords that you can target and when Google actually suggests a specific keyword to you, you know that it’s a keyword that lots of people search for you can also use the very helpful. Uber suggests a tool to see hundreds of these Google Suggest keywords in one place. The best keyword is a term that you already ranked for.

What do I mean I’m talking about finding untapped keywords in the Google search console here’s exactly how it’s done first log in to your Google search console account and click on search analytics sort the results by position then scroll down until you hit positions 11 through 15 these are keywords that you’re already ranking for on the second page and with some extra on-page and off-page SEO help you can get them to the first page pretty darn quickly I’ll explain you exactly how to do that later in this article. our last keyword research technique is to use SEM rush.

SEM rush is my favorite keyword research tool here’s why with most keyword research tools you pop a keyword into the tool and get a list of suggestion but SEM rush is unique instead of entering a seed keyword into the tool you enter a competitor’s website and SEM rush shows you all the keywords that they already ranked for next up we have content development back in the day Google would reward sites that publish lots of unique quality content that’s why so many blogs started pumping out mediocre 400 word blog posts but the truth is this the whole published lots of unique content approach simply doesn’t work anymore today Google’s number one goal is to show their user the best result for a given keyword which means they don’t care how many pieces of content your site puts out or how often you publish. how to create crazy amazing content first make your content insanely actionable. a few years ago dr. Jonah Berger from the University of Pennsylvania ran a research study to discover what made online content go viral so what did he find dr. Berger discovered that highly practical content was 34% more likely to go viral big content that didn’t contain practical info for example my post 21 actionable SEO techniques you can use right now contains 21 practical SEO tips and this highly practical post has generated thousands of social shares and hundreds of backlinks this page also ranks in the top three of google for the keyword SEO techniques next you want to make sure that your content is at least one thousand eight hundred ninety words long yes this might go against conventional wisdom after all you may have heard that people won’t read anything online that’s more than 500 words, but I have data to prove that this simply isn’t true in fact last year I teamed up with a bunch of SEO software companies to conduct the largest ranking factor study ever in total we analyzed 1 million Google search results and we discovered that longer content significantly outperformed short blog post in fact we found that the average first page result in Google boasted 1890 words do you remember that SEO techniques post that I mentioned earlier in addition to being highly practical the post is also super long in fact that post is over 4,000 words next you want to make infographics part of your content marketing most similar did their own study into what makes content go viral and they discovered that infographics get an average of two point three times more shares than other content formats I found the same thing from my own experiment for example this post on on-page SEO contains a big ol infographic and that’s one of the reason that this piece of content gets shared in link to like easy speaking of on-page SEO now that you’ve published an awesome piece of long-form content it’s time to optimize it around your target keyword here’s how first make sure that you publish your page on a short URL our ranking factor study found that short urls tended to outrank long URL for example my target keyword for this page is SEO tool so I made my url simply SEO – tool note that my URL also contains my target keyword this is also important for on-page SEO next include your target keyword once and the first 100 words of your article why Google puts more weight on keywords that appear at the top of your page so to help Google understand what your page is all about. Make sure to include your keyword once in the first hundred words of your page, for example in my SEO tools post you can see that I use my target keyword right off the bat our last on-page SEO tip is to add outbound links to your page Google wants to see that your content is a comprehensive resource on that topic and that’s only possible if you link out to other helpful pieces of content in fact a recent industry study found that pages that link out consistently outrank pages that don’t link out to other web sites okay so you just published your in-depth keyword optimized piece of content so you’re all set right wrong publishing now time to chill oh crap I forget about link building in many ways after you publish a piece of content your job has just begun that’s because it’s time for the most important part of SEO cause that promotion and link building there are a thousand ways to build links to your website so I’m going to share one of my absolute favourites with you right now broken link building here is the three-step process step 1 find a page you want to get a link from step to find broken links on that page step 3 let the site owner know about their broken link let’s break it down your first step is to find a page that you want to get a link from this page should be from a site in your niche that has quite a few outbound links to find pages with lots of external links use search strings like keyword plus helpful resources and keyword in URL links this will bring up pages with lots of external links next it’s time to find broken links on that page you can find links that aren’t working by installing the free check my links extension for Chrome then when you find a page with lots of external links run check my link it will reveal all the links on that page that aren’t working finally it’s time to let the site owner know about their broken link and offer your content as a replacement here’s the exact script to send hi name I was looking for some information on topic today when I came across your list of resources great stuff I couldn’t help but notice that there was a broken link on the page.

I just thought you’d like to know also I recently published a guide on that topic it might make a nice addition to your page either way keep up the awesome work and you’re set last up I have a bonus tip for you which is to optimize your site around user experience signal in 2015 Google announced that they now use a machine learning algorithm called ranked brain even though Google has been quiet about the details of exactly what rank brain does Larry Kim for word stream has discovered how rank brain probably work according to his data rank brain measures how users interact with your site in Google search and ranks you partially based on these user experience signals for example Larry noticed a clear correlation between organic click-through rate and ranking specifically he found that pages with a high CTR tended to outrank pages with a below average click-through rate in other words rank brain probably measure CTR and uses this data as a key ranking factor Larry also discovered that pages with a bounce rate below 76% tended to rank best that’s because rank brain also looks at how often people bounce from your site obviously the lower your bounce rate the better.